Laila Tantawy

Laila Tantawy is a senior at Leland High School. From 2019 to 2022, she was an active member of her school's speech and debate team, where she constantly worked to improve her public speaking and communication skills. Later that year, Laila participated in the 2022 Miss CEO Summer Leadership Lab. This experience gave her the tools to build confidence in her abilities and take on new opportunities. Eventually, the Leadership Lab proved to be the driving force behind her desire to empower more young women as an ambassador by helping them get the chance to learn new skills, discover how to leverage their strengths and develop these assets to grow into the best leaders they can be. Currently, Laila is an innovator at The Knowledge Society, where she works to merge the skills she learned at Miss CEO with her interests in emerging technologies and entrepreneurship in hopes of solving some of the world's biggest problems. Returning for her second year as an ambassador, Laila looks forward to expanding and giving back to the Miss CEO community. In her free time, she enjoys reading, coding, and learning new languages. Laila also loves playing squash competitively, allowing her to challenge herself mentally and physically, push herself to new limits, and learn more about the importance of sportsmanship on and off the court.